Global Studies & Diplomacy

Program in Arabic


The idea for this newly established program on “Global Affairs and Diplomacy” is to contain a focused curriculum that combines theory with practice. It is designed to meet a need detected by experts and practitioners in Palestine and beyond. There is a need for a Palestinian diplomatic cadre that has the qualifications, knowledge, and skills to engage the Palestinian question in global conversations with multilateral or regional bodies.

As part of the program's plan students will study core courses that reflect its inter-disciplinary approach such as: Evolution of Diplomacy, Public International Law and Diplomacy, Political Economy of Globalization, and Arab – Israeli Conflict…. As students’ progress in the major, they enter more courses that take an interdisciplinary approach. These courses weave together strands of thought from various disciplines and apply them to specific themes and situations. A flexible set of elective courses allows students to bring their knowledge to bear on a wide variety of topics.

Students conclude the program with a year-long senior project which requires extensive research and analysis, drawing on all of the tools acquired during their undergraduate careers.

The Global Studies and Diplomacy program includes a strong foundation in writing, research and analysis, and it also provides significant opportunities for students to acquire valuable qualitative skills, which will be of great value to them in the marketplace. It is important to note that opportunities to study one semester abroad are available. Also, the Global Studies and Diplomacy program will be excellent preparation for graduates who wish to pursue their studies at the MA and PhD levels.


  • Tawjihi certificate with 80% GPA and above, or its equivalent (CLEP, IB, GCE, GCSE, IGCSE, Bagrut…). Exceptions might be given to students with an average between 72% - 79% depending on performance in an admission interview.

  • English Language Competency is preferred, i.e., writing, comprehension, and conversation.

For those whose English language skills are a barrier for matriculating in Global Studies and Diplomacy, the College is providing an admission path through the Al-Quds Bard Academy program. AQB Academy is a one-year English language preparatory program. In parallel, the College is also offering the Pylon’s track as another path for admission for those whose English is not yet strong enough for AQB’s core division courses. Pylon students are AQB undergraduate students who divide their time in their first year between Intensive English courses and elective courses.

For more details, please email the admission office at BA admission email: admission_This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Al-Quds Bard College for Arts and Sciences


Global Studies and Diplomacy

Major/ Program


Degree Level


Accumulative Academic Credit Hours


Years of Study

International Relations/ global studies
Political Sciences
Political Economy
Cultural Studies
and more.

Fields of Postgraduates Studies

N/A, it is a new Program

Success Stories


Advisory Plan

Graduates will receive two degrees one from Al-Quds University and one from Bard College in New York.

Recognition Questions/Status

The program brings together theoretical and practical learning regarding global studies and diplomacy such as writing, public speaking, and dress code, etc.

Research Activities

Enrolled students will be eligible to apply for one semester abroad such, Bard Globalization and International Affairs Program (BGIA)

Exchange Programs


The idea for this newly established program on “Global Affairs and Diplomacy” is to contain a focused curriculum that combines theory with practice. It is designed to meet a need detected by experts and practitioners in Palestine and beyond. There is a need for a Palestinian diplomatic cadre that has the qualifications, knowledge, and skills to engage the Palestinian question in global conversations with multilateral or regional bodies.   As part of the program's plan students will study core courses that reflect its inter-disciplinary approach such as: Evolution of Diplomacy, Public International Law and Diplomacy, Political Economy of Globalization, and Arab – Israeli Conflict…. As students’ progress in the major, they enter more courses that take an interdisciplinary approach.  These courses weave together strands of thought from various disciplines and apply them to specific themes and situations.  A flexible set of elective courses allows students to bring their knowledge to bear on a wide variety of topics.   Students conclude the program with a year-long senior project which requires extensive research and analysis, drawing on all of the tools acquired during their undergraduate careers.   The Global Studies and Diplomacy program includes a strong foundation in writing, research and analysis, and it also provides significant opportunities for students to acquire valuable qualitative skills, which will be of great value to them in the marketplace. It is important to note that opportunities to study one semester abroad are available. Also, the Global Studies and Diplomacy program will be excellent preparation for graduates who wish to pursue their studies at the MA and PhD levels.


Tawjihi certificate with 80% GPA and above, or its equivalent (CLEP, IB, GCE, GCSE, IGCSE, Bagrut…). Exceptions might be given to students with an average between 72% - 79% depending on performance in an admission interview.

English Language Competency is preferred, i.e., writing, comprehension, and conversation. 

For those whose English language skills are a barrier for matriculating in Global Studies and Diplomacy, the College is providing an admission path through the Al-Quds Bard Academy program. AQB Academy is a one-year English language preparatory program. In parallel, the College is also offering the Pylon’s track as another path for admission for those whose English is not yet strong enough for AQB’s core division courses. Pylon students are AQB undergraduate students who divide their time in their first year between Intensive English courses and elective courses.

For more details, please email the admission office at BA admission email: admission_This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The program aims to offer an elaborated and academically innovative program curriculum that will take into consideration several outcomes. The teaching pedagogies of the program will be student-centered with inclusive, interactive and interdisciplinary approaches requiring continuous student’s engagement. Upon successful completion of the program, graduates will be able to:

  • Knowledge and understanding:

    • Identify foundational knowledge in several disciplines (political science, economics, international relations, public international law and human rights) which enables engaging in interdisciplinary approaches to Global Studies and diplomacy

    • Recognize the foundations of Palestinian history, politics, and narrative 

    • Recognize how the different sub-disciplines relate to one another, and acquire the critical thinking skills to reflect upon knowledge and its production from several disciplines

    • Aware of the roles of diplomacy and their importance in international and global affairs

    • Explain diplomatic protocol and its usage

  • Intellectual skills:  

    • Address global and diplomatic issues from an interdisciplinary approach. 

    • Discuss global issues and political resolutions that include multilateral interests on both the regional and international levels 

    • Develop complex questions, and innovative answers

  • Professional (Practical Skills):

    • Apply theoretical insights from the social sciences to real-world problems

    • Exercise political and diplomatic skills informed by a global studies approach in oral and written communications and negotiations 

    • Write diplomatic documents and communiques

    • Design, conduct and analyze research in the field of social sciences.

  • Attitudes and Values (Transferable skills):

    • Work in teams and the ability to tackle practical work.

    • Practice time-management and organization skills.

    • Demonstrate an ethical attitude and approach to society.


Mailing Address

Main Campus, Box 51000 

Beit Hanina, Jerusalem, Palestine
