M.A. in European Studies
فتح باب القبول لبرنامج الماجستير في الدراسات الاوروبية
(توفر منح كاملة)
تعلن كلية القدس بارد في جامعة القدس- حرم أبوديس فتح باب تقديم طلبات القبول في برنامج الماجستير في الدراسات الامريكية للعام الاكاديمي القادم 2024-2025، علما بان مدة الدراسه عامين حيث يدرس الطالب/ة السنه الاولى في جامعة القدس والسنه الثانيه في جامعة دوزولدورف الالمانيه.
شروط القبول:
- ان يكون المتقدم /ة حاصل على بكالوريوس في إحدى تخصصات العلوم الاجتماعية أو الانسانية بمعدل لا يقل عن 70%.
- حاملي شهادة البكالوريس في الحقوق وإدراة الاعمال يمكنهم الالتحاق بالبرنامج.
- إتقان اللغة الانجليزية.
- إجتياز المقابلة بعد تقديم الطلب الكترونيا.
- في حال لم يتمكن الطالب من دراسة السنة الثانية في جامعة دوزولدورف ، يمكنه استكمال الدراسة في جامعة القدس على نفقتة الخاصة.
للمزيد من التفاصيل حول طبيعة البرنامج، يرجى زيارة الصفحة التالية.
للالتحاق ببرنامج الماجستير في الدراسات الأوروبية
على الطلبة الراغبين في تقديم طلب التحاق بأحد برامج الماجستير التوجه لشراء بطاقة طلب التحاق لقاء مبلغ وقدره 250 شاقلاً غير مستردة، وذلك من أحد نقاط البيع الآتية:
– من البنك العربي من أحد الفروع الآتية:
محافظة رام الله والبيرة: البيرة أو الماصيون أو البلد أو المنارة
محافظة الخليل: فرع عين سارة
محافظة بيت لحم: فرع بيت جالا أو بيت لحم أو الخضر.
أو فرع نابلس أو فرع طولكرم او فرع جنين أو فرع سلفيت أو فرع قلقيلية أو فرع الرام أو فرع العيزرية أو فرع أريحا.
– من بنك فلسطين من أحد الفروع الآتية: فرع جامعة القدس أو فرع ابو ديس أو فرع الماصيون أو فرع الخليل أو فرع بيت لحم أو فرع دورا أو الضاحية/ القدس.
– بإمكان طلبة قطاع غزة الحصول على بطاقة طلب الالتحاق من بنك فلسطين فرع الجندي المجهول-الرمال/غزة.
– من كلية هند الحسيني/حرم الشيخ جراح-القدس
– باستخدام بطاقة pal pay أو: visa لشراء بطاقة الالتحاق (اضغط هنا)
بعد ذلك يتم تعبئة طلب الالتحاق الكترونياً من خلال (اضغط هنا)
وبعد الانتهاء من تعبئة الطلب يتم حفظه وتثبيته.
ملاحظة هامة: يحتفظ الطالب بالبطاقة من اجل مراجعة ملفه الكترونيا أو في الجامعة, من ثم ينتظر الطالب الاتصال به من اجل تحديد موعد المقابلة أو الامتحان .
للمراجعة والاستفسار يمكنكم التواصل معنا على احدى الارقام التالية أو من خلال وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي،
أو زيارة مكتب القبول في الكلية في حرم جامعة القدس الرئيس في أبو ديس.
هاتف: 022794950
بريد الكتروني:
اللينكدان: Al-Quds Bard College for Arts and Sciences
الفيسبوك: Al-Quds Bard College For Arts and Sciences
الانستغرام: aqbard

The European Studies Program at Al-Quds Bard College offers a comprehensive Master's level curriculum in English, in collaboration with Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf (HHUD), Germany. The program is structured into two parts, the first year consists of preparatory coursework at Al-Quds University, Al-Quds Bard College, followed by a second year in an international program at HHUD for eligible students (up to 10 students per year). Graduates of the program will have the opportunity to earn a Master's degree from HHUD. The learning goals of the program are to equip students with the ability to comprehend the complex process of European integration and its neighborhood policy, including engagement with Middle Eastern countries on a scientific level.
Learning Goals:
The European Studies Program aims to equip M.A. graduates with the following knowledge and skills:
Understanding Europe's history, the development of the EU, and the legal framework that binds it.
Analyzing the complex process of European integration and its neighborhood policy, including engagement with Middle Eastern countries, on a scientific level.
Cultivating independent and analytical thinking, self-reliance, openness to cultures, communicative competencies, and team spirit while addressing scientific questions.
Preparing for professional careers in areas such as politics, policy consulting, administration, media, and civil society organizations that involve European actors, institutions, and processes.

The diverse backgrounds and passion of the professors created a welcoming atmosphere, and the manageable class schedules allowed me to navigate the challenges while balancing a demanding job and household. This program has truly been a catalyst for personal and academic growth.
Abdullah H. Erakat, Communication & Media Analyst
Tuition fees and Scholarship:
German partner (HHUD) provides substantial support for this study program through a generous scholarship program. For all first-year students, the scholarship will cover the full cost of study fees at AQU. Furthermore, for those students who are selected to study in Germany for the second year of the program, the scholarship will not only cover their tuition fees but also provide support for living expenses during their time in Germany.
Students who are not selected to continue their second year in Germany have the option to continue at Al-Quds Bard College at their own expense. Tuition fees will be calculated based on each credit hour cost as specified by AlQuds University.
The European Studies master's program at AQB College offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to provide students with a deep understanding of the European Union and its various aspects. The first year of study is particularly focused on laying a strong foundation in key areas related to European integration, history, law, politics, society, and economics. The courses offered during the first year are as follows:
1. Introduction to the European Union
This course provides students with an overview of the historical development, institutional framework, decision-making processes, and policies of the European Union. It aims to familiarize students with the functioning and evolution of the EU, as well as its role in the global context.
2. Modern European History —the Evolution of the Idea of Europe
Through this course, students will explore the historical evolution of the idea of Europe, including key events, movements, and ideologies that have shaped the continent. Emphasis is placed on understanding the diverse cultural, social, and political forces that have contributed to the formation of modern Europe.
3. Introduction to European Law: The Constitutional and Institutional Setting of the EU
This course delves into the legal framework of the European Union, focusing on its constitutional foundations and institutional structure. Students will gain insight into EU law, its sources, principles, and the relationship between EU law and national legal systems.
4. Politics and Society in Europe
In this course, students will examine the political systems, institutions, and dynamics of European countries, as well as the societal challenges and developments within the region. The course provides a comprehensive understanding of the political and social landscape of contemporary Europe.
5. European Economic Relations
Students will study the economic dimensions of European integration, including trade policies, monetary union, economic governance, and the challenges facing the European economy. The course aims to equip students with a solid grasp of the economic aspects of EU integration and its implications.
6. European Integration Theories
This course explores the theoretical foundations of European integration, including key theoretical approaches and debates surrounding the process of European unification. Students will critically analyze different perspectives on integration and its implications for the future of Europe.
7. Research Methods
This course equips students with essential knowledge on research methods, approaches and skills necessary for conducting rigorous academic research in the field of European Studies. Students will learn how to identify research problems, formulate research questions, gather and analyze data, and effectively communicate their findings.
8. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Global Studies
Through this course, students will gain an interdisciplinary perspective on global issues and challenges, with a specific focus on Europe's role in the global context. The course encourages critical thinking and a holistic understanding of global dynamics.
9. German Language
As part of the program, students will have the opportunity to learn German, which is not only valuable for those interested in pursuing careers in Europe but also provides access to a rich cultural and linguistic heritage.
Overall, the first-year curriculum of the European Studies master's program at AQB College offers a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to understanding Europe and its place in the world. It equips students with the knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities necessary to engage with complex issues related to European integration, history, law, politics, society, economics, and global dynamics.
Our program is proud to feature a distinguished faculty comprised of highly qualified scholars from the across Europe, the U.S, as well as some esteemed Palestinian professors. Our faculty members bring a wealth of expertise in various areas, ensuring that our students receive a comprehensive education. From their extensive qualifications to their diverse areas of expertise, our faculty is dedicated to providing top-notch instruction and guidance to our students.
Student Support Services:
In addition, students have access to both physical and electronic libraries, providing a wealth of resources to support their research and studies. Whether it's finding scholarly articles, accessing textbooks, or seeking assistance from knowledgeable librarians, our libraries are valuable assets for our students. We are committed to ensuring that our students have the support they need to thrive, both academically and personally.
"It has empowered me to make a positive difference in my professional life and find myself, and I am particularly excited about how it has enhanced my understanding of foreign relations."
Diana Abhari, Trade Services Coordinator

Admission Requirements:
Campus and Facilities: Al Quds Bard College offers a state-of-the-art campus with modern facilities that cater to the diverse needs of our students. Our campus provides access to well-equipped libraries, and a range of resources to support academic and extracurricular pursuits. The libraries house extensive collections of academic materials, providing students with access to a wealth of knowledge and research resources. In addition, our campus provides a conducive environment for learning and collaboration, with dedicated spaces for group study and academic discussions. With a focus on providing a supportive and enriching academic experience, Al Quds Bard College's campus and facilities are designed to empower students to excel in their studies and achieve their full potential. To apply, please follow these steps:
Contact: For further inquiries about our Master's program, please feel free to reach out to the program coordinators. You can contact us via telephone at +970 595 95 0414 or send us an email at Our dedicated team is ready to assist you with any questions you may have about the program, the application process, or any other related matters. | ||