ENTEC Mentors

Shaima AbdAlkareem Ali


Shaima Abd Alkareem Ali got her Bachelor's Degree from The University of Jordan, where she studied English Language Teaching Methods (English- teacher).Upon her graduation in 2004, she directly started her profession as an English teacher to the 9th - 12th grades, at Deir Qaddis Secondary Girl’s School in Ramallah. After ten years of teaching, she felt that she should develop her body of knowledge and advance her career in education, she got a Master’s Degree in Arts of Teaching at Al-Quds University - Bard College in 2016. Her master’s granted her extensive knowledge of modern methods and theories, and practices of new various teaching techniques. Moreover, one of the most important achievements that Shaima had after obtaining a master's degree is that the student has become the center of the teaching-learning process and being the leader in the educational process, also. Furthermore, she has been a member of the ENTEC program “Enhanced Network Teacher Education Capacity” at Al-Quds Bard College, for a year now. She took part in a workshop in Jericho on the PISA test.Recently, Shaima was hired as a part-time instructor at Al-Quds University. 


Mailing Address

Main Campus, Box 51000 

Beit Hanina, Jerusalem, Palestine
