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AQB Student Bisan Safi Reflects on Her SeAQB Student Bisan Safi Reflects on Her Semester at Bard College in NY mester at Bard College in NY

AQB Student Bisan Safi Reflects on Her SeAQB Student Bisan Safi Reflects on Her Semester at Bard College in NY mester at Bard College in NY

By Bisan Safi,

Joining Al-Quds Bard College (AQB) three years ago was one of the most valuable  choices I have ever made. After I finished the Tawjihi examination, I was a bit confused and reluctant to decide whether I should join AQB or  pursue another college. However, listening to stories from different students at the College, made me affirm my choice and enroll to major in Molecular Genetics. 

My journey at AQB has been full of discoveries and possibilities, and the most exciting of which was when I was admitted to study a semester abroad at Bard College in Annandale NY. Studying abroad is one of AQB’s strengths. A student like me could benefit from a full scholarship to attend a complete semester with credited hours and possibilities to participate in many student centered activities.

My exchange semester at Bard Annandale in New York during the spring of 2024 was an unforgettable experience that has left a lasting impact on me. Being able to study in such a vibrant academic environment was a privilege. Through my Genomics class with great researchers in Bard’s science laboratories, I worked on new fields in genetics that expanded my understanding and sparked an even greater passion for my studies. I also took an Intro to Environmental Studies class, which wasn’t only valuable in terms of content but also the practical skills and experiences provided. Additionally, I took a Poetries of Resistance class where I produced my first short poetry book, and a Food Microbiology class full of hands-on experiences. The ongoing support from my professors has been invaluable. 

Outside the classroom, my time at Bard was filled with enriching experiences. I had a full schedule always filled with activities, enjoying Bard’s nature, different clubs on campus, cultural events, volunteering, and musical concerts. I made it a point to take weekly yoga classes, a great way to stay active. Also, volunteering over 40 hours at the Bard Farm and the greenhouse was incredibly fulfilling. By the end of the semester, I had the unique opportunity to work on the farm and deepen my connection to sustainable agriculture. A highlight of the journey was also spending a month conducting research and working in Bard's unique Community Sciences Lab. It involved working directly in the Sawkill River on campus. 

One of the most valuable experiences was the opportunity to meet and connect with a diverse group of international students from countries like Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Japan, Columbia, and many other countries. These friendships, mentorship from professors, and support from Bard’s International Office team are bonds I know will last a lifetime. 


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